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Financial Planning
for a Full Life

Life can be complicated. We’ll help you fit the pieces together. 

Unlike traditional money managers, we look at your entire financial picture.  Sure, we’ll talk with you about investments and retirement . . . but we don’t stop there.  To bring all the elements of your financial life into harmony, we also consider cash flow, insurance, real estate, estate planning, and tax planning.  We’ll even prepare your tax returns.  We want to ensure that all the moving parts are working together.

We’ll help you live with integrity, making conscious decisions about the path ahead.  To us, this means recognizing what’s important to you and designing a financial plan that’s customized to your needs.  We will give you the insights and tools you need to live an integrated and purposeful life.

What We Do

Comprehensive Financial Planning

We’ve designed a planning process to address all aspects of your financial life in a series of 90-minute meetings: five meetings in the first year and three in each following year. These meetings cover the basics but our door is always open. We encourage you to contact us whenever you have a financial question or issue. And don’t worry: all service, including investment advising and tax preparation, is covered by our flat, annual fee.

Investment Advising

We don’t ask you to give us your money to manage. We don’t pretend to know the future. Instead, we help you apply an evidence-based investment strategy to your entire portfolio. You don’t have to beat the stock market to accumulate wealth or to fund a comfortable retirement. Let us show you how to organize your assets into a simple, balanced portfolio that reflects your risk tolerance and achieves your goals.

Tax Planning & Preparation

We think tax time is the best time of the year.  We know… we’re funny that way. We love to prepare tax returns because that’s when we see the results of our planning efforts. Preparing your taxes also helps us to serve you better: it gives us a window into the details of your financial life. Those details allow us to further refine your plan and keep it on track.

Our Values

You are the most important part of our business. We don’t accept fees, commissions, or any other remuneration from financial funds or organizations. The only compensation we receive is one flat, annual fee from you. We are truly fee-only advisors. We are also fiduciaries, which means that we put your interests ahead of our own. That’s easy for us to do because our business model avoids conflicts of interest.  We offer just what you would expect: an advisor who looks out for your best interests.

Our door is always open. With our flat annual fee, you can meet or speak with us as often as necessary to help you accomplish your financial goals.

You will always receive the highest ethical and professional treatment. We take this responsibility seriously. As members of the Alliance of Comprehensive Planners, we are committed to The ACP Pledge to Clients. Our staff have an impressive collection of advanced degrees which you can read about in our Bios. We also have affiliations with the American Bar Association, the State Bars of California and Oregon, and the National Association of Personal Financial Advisors (NAPFA). And perhaps most importantly, all of our advisors are CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professionals.

Rooted in Service
Let's Grow Together

Our Team

Troy Thompson Photo

Troy Thompson

J.D., CFP®
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Troy Thompson

Troy started Thompson Advisory Services after a dozen years as a tax attorney in San Francisco. He built this business with the conviction that financial planning can open the door to happier relationships, better health, and more fulfilling lives. He is licensed to practice law in both California and Oregon, and he is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional.

After graduating with honors from Harvard Law School and Cornell University, he became an expert in state and federal income taxation, qualified pensions and retirement plans, municipal bonds, complex derivatives, stock options, equity-based compensation plans, and the selection and formation of business entities. He also has extensive experience defending taxpayers before the Internal Revenue Service and state taxing authorities. In his free time, he volunteers as an umpire for the local Little League where he is kind but fair.

Stephen Engle Photo

Stephen Engle

J.D., CFP®
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Stephen Engle 

Steve came to financial planning after a career as a lawyer and a legal recruiter.  He is now a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional with a focus on helping clients make meaningful life decisions. He plays a vital role in the office, moving the planning process forward for clients and discovering strategic solutions to problems. He gets things done! 

He has a J.D. from Harvard Law School (magna cum laude), an M.F.A. in theater from the University of Southern California, and a B.A. in mathematics from Middlebury College (magna cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa). A consistent thread through his wide-ranging career has been his interest in how the mind works. His greatest strength is his ability to acquire knowledge.  He is a dedicated bike commuter, and he enjoys meditating and listening to podcasts.

Rob Horwitz Photo

Rob Horwitz

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Rob Horwitz

Rob is an associate financial advisor who plays a key role in supporting both client meetings and behind-the-scenes projects at Thompson Advisory Services. He helps with follow-up tasks, planning, and managing initiatives to ensure everything continues to run smoothly.

After earning a degree in political science with a minor in philosophy from Buffalo State College, Rob developed a passion for financial planning and the world of fee-only advising. He recently earned his CFP® certification in July 2024 and is excited to continue growing in the field. Outside of work, he enjoys cycling and baking, often exploring new recipes and roads in his free time.

Allison Lathrop Photo

Allison Lathrop

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Allison Lathrop

Allison is the office manager who holds everything together at Thompson Advisory Services. It’s a small office, which means that she wears many hats. She is our IT consultant, customer service representative, and logistics expert. It’s her nature to jump in to help whenever she sees a need.

She started out by earning two degrees in sociology, one from Vassar College and one from Cornell University. Her early career focused on statistical programming and business analysis, and she still loves studying rows and columns of data. She also enjoys listening to customers and figuring out how to solve problems. In her free time, she volunteers for Portland Aquatic Club, building community among a diverse group of families.

Enjoy Financial Peace of Mind.


Our Fees

Our goal is to develop long-lasting relationships. To do that, we want you to feel that you are getting a good deal.

Studies have shown that working with a trustworthy advisor improves financial outcomes. How much improvement you will see depends on a variety of factors specific to your situation. We will tell you how we think we can be most helpful during our preliminary meeting.

Each of our clients pays an annual fee. That fee is paid in equal quarterly installments. We don’t offer hourly rates. Think of our financial planning services as a prix fixe menu in a restaurant. Most of our clients pay less for our comprehensive service than they would pay for just investment management elsewhere. If you are someone who wants a holistic approach, then we guarantee that our fees will at least be competitive. If they’re not, it’s our fiduciary responsibility to recommend that you use another planner.

Our fees are based on an individual evaluation of income, marketable assets, and tax complexity. That means that each client’s fee is different. We are happy to provide a specific fee quote to you after reviewing your financial statements.

You've Come to the Right Place
Live Your Best Financial Life

Contact Us

Ready to transform your financial life? Want to find out what we can do for you? We’re here to help.

Schedule your appointment today!


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